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About me


Renato has been based in Miami for the last 27 years. He has traveled all over the world as a Director of Photography/Camera Operator. He is highly adaptable and adjusts equipment and crew to the needs and budget of each production and is highly in-tune to the vision of directors and producers.


Renato was already teaching Photography and Television workshops to younger generations even before graduating in Advertising, Television Production and Cinematography at Lima University in Peru. Shortly after graduation, he worked as a Camera Operator for Soap Operas and TV Commercials. His reputation spread beyond the borders of his native country and landed him a job on the first Spanish speaking Novela produced and filmed in its entirety in the United States in 1989.


His passion for photography, composition, lighting and camera movements got him involved on a variety feature films, short films, documentaries, commercials, music videos, TV series, single or multi-camera productions, and corporate videos, just to name a few. Renato’s dedication, love and passion for the craft is clear, strong and vibrant in every project he is involved in, way before it even starts.




Sony FX9 E, PL

Sony F55 PL, EF

Sony FS7 PL, EF

Canon C500 EF

Canon C300 EF

Sony A7RII

Sony EX3

Sony HDCAM F900




Canon Cine Zoom PL17-120mm

XEEN PL Prime set: 14-24-35-50-85-135mm

Canon EF 11, 16, 35, 24-70, 50, 85, 70-200, 100-400mm

Sony 18-105mm

Sony 28-135mm

Sony G Master 16-35, 24-70, 70-200 F2.8


equipos de filmación en miami

HD Monitors 5.6”, 17”, 26”, 50” SDI - HDMI

Odyssey 7Q+

Nano Flash


Sprinter Van Package:

Arri 650 /300 kit

4 LED Astra

4 Quasar Bicolor 4'

4 Kino Flo 4x4

2 Kino Flo 4x2

1 HMI 1.2K

2 HMI 575

2 Leko 25-50

5 RGB LED Pars

2 Shine Boards 4x4

DC Slider Matthews

Dana Dolly System

Skateboard Dolly

Film Air Dolly tracks

8’x8’ Frame


Jimmy Jib Triangle

Available upon request 3-5-10 Ton Grip and Lighting Trucks


Curriculum Vitae

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